• 30 октября 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Ленинские горы, д.1., стр. 1, аудитория 1610

"Some cases of Unrecognized transmission of scientific knowledge: from antiquity to Gabrio Piola’s Peridynamics and Generalised Continuum Theories"

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Кафедра механики композитов МГУ
2322 дня назад
30 октября 2018, начало в 16:45
Ленинские горы, д.1., стр. 1, аудитория 1610

Лекция профессора Университета Sapienza — Francesco dell’Isola, специалиста в области механики неоднородных материалов, имеющего более 4500 цитирований по данным Scopus. Язык лекции — английский. Для прохода в Главное Здание МГУ необходим паспорт.

The new trends of mathematical models of complex mechanical structures are producing interesting results in the design and study of novel metamaterials.
The paradigm of standard Cauchy continua clearly has to be overcome and the introduction of more complex models seems needed.
These models were already envisaged by Gabrio Piola between 1823 and 1850 (his last posthumous work was published in 1856).
They were apparently forgotten and actually remained unexpressed until their rediscovery by, among the others, Cosserat brothers, Hellinger, Toupin, Mandolin, Rivlin, Sedov, Kroner and Paul Germain.
In this talk we discuss in parallel two questions:
1) how to model complex meta materials using discrete and continuum models, all based on the postulation of variational principles 
(The principles of Hamilton, or Hamilton-Rayleigh  or the Principle of Virtual Work) and compare the predictions obtained with experimental evidence
2) to discuss the loss and rediscovery of Piola’s generalised continuum models as an interesting subject of history of science


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